All of the movies are the same. Watch this and have your eyes open to both the secret of world and the ending of it.
Every movie is about the stars. That's why every actor is a STAR. KING OF THE UNDERWORLD- OSIRIS/SIRI/YOUR EYE PHONE (IRIS). ISIS. HORUS. THIS IS THE SATANIC TRINITY.
LION KING. Mufasa/Osiris/ king of everything the Sun/light hits. is set up by his his twin brother Scar/set ruler of elephant graveyard/the dark. Simba/horus goes into hiding/the underworld, who then later returns to **** Scar/Set and take his rightful place as "King".
BATMAN. Thomas wayne/Osiris is shot and killed by a criminal/set. Bruce wayne/horus goes into hiding. Then comes back and fights the "Joker" Who becomes leader of the criminals. Batman/Horus wins and liberates "New York" as a king would. Adding. Jokers catch phrase "why so Serious/sirius" with a smiling face, just like the one amazon uses is a hat tip to the solar eclipse and the star sirius. Sirius is connected to Satan worship. It's why they made us feel sympathy for a diabolical character in the movie Joker. The devil loves SYMPATHY!
TRAILER PARK BOYS. This show is so occultish you will never believe it. Characters. (The show also revolves around Ricky/horus) Ricky/****/horus (the symbol for horus/osiris is an obelisk aka a *****) his father Ray/osiris. Rickys wife LUCY (Need I say more?) and Rickys daughter "TRINITY". Notice how his daughter is the Trinity? This is where you MUST know freemasonry to understand the rest. Rickys two best friends are the two pillars of freemasonry. Julian/boaz/strength. Throughout the show they even brag about Julians strength all the time. Then Rickys other best friend is Bubbles/Jachin/swift. Bubbles character is known for always driving a go kart. Hence "Swift".
THIS IS THE STORY PLAYING OUT BEFORE YOUR EYES! If you can figure it out. You know what's coming. This is the secret of freemasonry. Freemasonry is a "CRAFT"... WITCHCRAFT. The king of freemasonry is Osiris who is Abbadon who is Appollo who's is TRUMP. 17 is the letter Q in the alphabet. And the number 17 is the number of abbadon who brings plagues unto the earth. His son is Baron/lord/Horus is a GIANT. Trumps ancestor from his Mother's side is the Viking "Olaf Mcleod" King of man. (Was his title) The odds are McDonald's is donald trumps. Appollo has a golden bow. McDonald's has the golden arches. MC is 33 is Jewish gematria. McDonald's character is a clown with RED HAIR. And on his chest is the emblem of the golden arch infront of a solid red circle. That red circle is the blood moon donald trump was born on. The odds are MC stands for Moon Child. On Donald trumps coat of arms you will see the same golden bow. Through that bow is a hand holding a spear. That spear is the same spear of destiny. The one that stabbed jesus is the rib cage. It's prophecy that the antichrist will obtain the spear of destiny. Something ****** failed to do. Donald Trump also has a gold course in Scotland in "Aberdeen" Translates to "Mouth of the don". A-BBAD-DON-ALD
You don't have to believeme. But the end is near. America is babylon. That's why we have "Hollywood". Hollywood is what witches make their wands out of..
And as for t.v. Never watch it. TELL-A-VISION. Who's vision you might ask? The CABALS/CABLES. You see this is why the call television shows "programs" and you get your programs from channels/channeling "stars" Who are embodiment of the "STARS". SATANIC WORSHIP!
LOVE AND GOD BLESS. Be vigilant. Your enemy's is waiting in the shadows like a lion to devour you.