I sing the song of a withering rose, who’s petals have lost the light of their beauty and the attention of their beloved gardener. Heaven has abandoned me and shut its crystal gates before my face. The radiant sun has betrayed me, for it no longer fills me up with the essence of life. Now it only seeks to accelerate the loss of my grace. I’ve lost the affections of the wind and every bee in this dreadful garden has forgotten the sweetness of my love. The drums of my ears can no longer tune to the gentle song of this loving Earth. The frigid echoes of Death are all I hear Whispering “Embrace me, for I am near. Embrace me, for I am here. Embrace once again, for I have left..”
If I adore You out of fear of Hell, Burn me in Hell! If I adore you out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise. But if I adore you for Yourself alone, Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty.