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Jan 2021
She was dressed
business **** the
night we
read poetic love
letters to each other on
public access television.
It was like
that mad moon night was
made just for us.
Magic show in between our
Is it all just a dream,
dreamt by a dormouse
asleep in a ***** bottle?
Don't wake that furry little
This can't end.
Wedding plans,
torts and tarts, and
a tiara for my queen.
My heart is stained by
her love.
My soul reeks of
our champagne celebration.
together forever,
unmolested by
the concrete and the crows,
and the godless
heathens, bent on
their toboggan ride to
Thomas W Case
Written by
Thomas W Case  56/M/Clear Lake
(56/M/Clear Lake)   
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