I have forgotten what skin feels like. I have touched it many times but sometimes it feels like silk and other times it has felt like concrete. It has felt like velvet but also felt like sandpaper. I’ve avoided the texture of those around me for so long it has become an unfamiliar touch. I have grown sick at the thought of melting into someone else’s epidermis. The fact that just giving someone a delicate touch means I am vulnerable worries me that I have not built walls I have built an entire castle A fortress around me that no one can penetrate. I sit on a throne that no one else is allowed to even look at You can’t have what I’ve experienced You can’t be a part of what I have built. This is because of you. I have worked so hard to keep you out I sit in the aftermath of your disappointment and remember the times you shattered me and I keep building. And building. And building. Until finally I’ve built something sturdy enough to never be broken down again. Not even by you.