We all need something to help get us by Whether you realize it or not Some of us make the choice to get high On methamphetamine ****** or ***
Even if just a little bit Everyone has a vice The unfortunate succumb to it Wiser try only once or twice
Still others choose a different crutch To aid them in their distress Food Work *** and such Are addictions nonetheless
We tangle pain with love and fear The knot increases in size Swallow it down and chase with a beer Or drown it in exercise
Pour a drink made with clear liquor Mixed with a dash of frustration Anything to **** feelings quicker Avoid any sensation
If we don't face the cause of our heartache Problems will only get worse Each day in this nightmare our lives are at stake Each fall closer to the hearse
Once we accept that we need to change We can forgive ourselves and heal Freedom and peace are not out of range If we stop running from what we feel