1. The rivulets of water pool at our wondering feet.
Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons that unceremoniously yank us inward like lost children finally found.
Haphazard flight paths of insects spasmodically surge nearer, urging our own hands and eyes to react, and somehow in the reflexiveness of those twin human movements both of us realize that the Now we currently share cannot surpass the devastating chasm that the earthquake of Us has inevitably opened up.
Azure firelight flickers above, memories of tears and bare skin kisses descend like drunken leaves from distant peaks.
Somewhere below us a sea of mycelium flourishes, communicating in the language we wish we'd possessed long ago, pheremones of instinctual gravity networked to perfection, something to smooth out all the crags and crevices of our rambunctious emotional landscapes, transmogrifying the immutable selfishness of mammals into purposeful, harmonious intent.
2. Still, we kiss without restraint, staring down the shattered remnants of our romantic souls like hungry predators.
Rivulets of water pool at our wondering feet.
Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons that unceremoniously yank us inward like lost children finally found.
And for an precarious instant we are one, suspended on the ripe cliff's edge, and not giving a **** whether or not we fall into the ominous depths below.
My new book: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Words-Love-Their-Echo/dp/B08CW9LTBF