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Oct 2020
Dearest October,
please be kind -
already the leaves are flame-bright,
and made fragile -
I am the same:
ready to fall to the earth
and find rebirth among the twining roots

Dearest October,
please be kind -
my leaves are changing hue
and grown fragile
in the season of change,
ready to feed the hungry ground -
fodder for the spring rot

Dearest October,
please be kind -
my leaves are tearing away,
plucked and pulled by each ardent breeze,
My roots grow deep,
bracing for the winter
and the dark night of rest
Wrote this on September 30th as I pondered the change of the seasons and what autumn means to me 🍂
Kaitlyn MacIntyre
Written by
Kaitlyn MacIntyre  31/Canada
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