and if you love me tell me with you arms open little by little i shall also start loving you with my heart open and my love driven
and if you love me stop at that moment, and let it fade for i shall also do the same for love is for the loved and bereaved not for me nor you
and if you never love me i shall also never love you too with my heart full and my regrets much and my days in thoughts wishing you did
and if you love me at this moment and unsure of forever i shall also love you then and not till whenever for love is time and time is precious and we'll save everybit of it we have
and if you love me without words I shall also love you without actions and leave the universe to sync our hearts till we understand each other by just thoughts
and if you love me like i love you i will be elated beyond reasoning for i shall love you like how you love the beauty in darkness for your love is mine and my love was, is and always be yours