It’s been five months since you left which means it’s been nearly half a year of waiting for you to come back which is to say that if my heartbreak were a baby it would be the size of a papaya which means nothing except now I want to cry at the grocery store which means I can’t escape you even in the produce aisle and I don’t know how to stop wishing you were with me all the time
On our first date you told me you wanted a girl who you could have fun grocery shopping with except now I feel sad everywhere and I’m no fun anywhere which is probably why you left me in the first place
Now I spend my nights wondering if you found a girl with sunshine in her cheeks and I wonder if she’s brave enough to sing in the car with you and maybe she dances in the produce aisle in the same spot I stand crying over fruits and I’m thinking that’s probably why you left me not because I cry in public but because in my mind there was always someone better someone more alive more beautiful and you got bored of reassuring me that I was worthy of your time