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Roger Turner - Poet
Aug 2020
Hunter the hunter and his alphapet zoo
Hunter was happy
The rain was now done
He could go out in the yard
And have some real fun
Staying inside
when there was so much to do
He had to go hunting
For his alphabet zoo
Hunter like letters
And numbers and things
He also likes dreaming
and the joy that it brings
He pulled out his toy box
And he dragged it outside
I'm going to go hunting
He put his hat on with pride
An old hunting helmet
And one wellington boot
A runner, his jacket
And a toy gun to shoot
I'm off to go hunting
I'll will fill a whole zoo
Just call me for dinner
And with that...he was through
A boy's mind is special
They can imagine the world
Is a magical jungle
That to them is unfurled
A zoo from a toy box
All in order....you'll see
He would fill up his zoo
From A back to Z
First came an aardvark
Then a ******, all stuffed
Then a cheetah, a donkey
All cuddly and puffed
E made him think
Yep...an earwig or two
It fit with the letters
And it would go in his zoo
F was a frog,
Made of rubber and green
G ...a gorilla
With a smile, not mean
H was a horse
with a cowboy as well
The zoo, it was growing
And to him, that was swell
I....had him thinking
It's my zoo after all
So, if I can't get a letter
It won't matter at all
J was a jacks game
Not an animal too
But, the jacks looked like spiders
And this was Hunters zoo
K...that was easy
A Kangaroo with a pouch
L was a llama
With three legs and a slouch
M was a monkey
A whole barrel he had
He played with these some
He wasn't doing half bad
In all of an hour
He had collected a herd
Of stuffed toys, ***** and jacks
And he still had no bird
N was a nerf ball
Or a dinosaur egg
It could be what he wanted
He'd now found that fourth leg
The llama assembled
O was easy for him
An octopus floaty
That taught him to swim
P was a parrot
With feathers all red
Q...that's a tough one
He thought to himself in his head
R was a rhino
With no horn, it was broke
S was a snake
His dad bought as a joke
T was a tough one
A terra-dac-til said he
Not knowing the spelling
And that it started with P
U ...under water
so he found a stuffed fish
This was not all that easy
V...well tosh tish
I'll catch two of another
If I can't think of one
Hunting out in the yard
Is really quite fun
W...a walrus
with a moustache and tusks
Like the gorilla before
made of coconut husks
X...was a tough one
Another dinosaur came
Made from his xylophone
And this dino was tame
Y was a yak
He didn't know what it was
But, he just liked the name
So, a yak ....just because
Z was a zebra
blue and black with no white
He'd colored it in with a marker
When he got bored one night
He'd been out for a while
When he heard his mum yell
Time to come in
Bring your toy box as well
All through his dinner
He told of what he had caught
Of the alphabetic adventures
And the creatures he'd got
He watched tv for a while
Then it was bath time and bed
Where Hunter the hunter
Now had a full head
Now, he was dreaming
Of all he must do
This was Hunter the hunter
And his alphabet zoo
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Mandy Berry
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