Love scares me You reveal parts of me that recklessly try to hide in plain sight But you are so soft Pure laughter from your lips Your eyes forgive my mistakes so easily I don’t know how to hide
Life is sweeter with you Like the sweetness you taste from honey In the warmest and richest way possible Nourishment for the soul Unlike the sweetness from plain sugar Forcefully sweet and cold An antidote rather than an elixir
Your words caress me Like the wind blowing the washed clothes dry Sunlight dripping in every thread woven The faint scent of detergent smiling Unlike the loud laundry dryers Buzzing with wrath and fury Demanding the water to vanish at once
I like your smile that brings your whole face together Almost like how pizza is made complete with spread and toppings It’s beautiful but satisfying Cherry on top of the cake It makes my heart flutter and melt Like cheese dripping out from yummy corn dogs Messy but so so lovely
I love everything about the way it is with you Head to toe Limbs to fingers Lips to chin