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Aug 2020
I heard your call, and I immediately ran,
To hold you close, and to hold your hand.

We stand together now, by our sky-blue sea,
With no more angst, our souls forever fly free.

And when you call, I swear I will answer.
And when you sing, I’ll be your dancer.

By all the stars, our dreams will come true.
Upon your whim, I’ll be beside you.

So in this moment, make your wish, my dear,
And whisper your grace, forever, in my ear.


Chuala mi do ghairm, agus ruith mi sa bhad,
Gus do chumail dlùth, agus do làmh a chumail.

Tha sinn a ’seasamh còmhla a-nis, ri taobh na mara speur-ghorm againn,
Leis nach eil barrachd angst ann, bidh ar n-anaman gu bràth a ’sgèith an-asgaidh.

Agus nuair a dh ’iarras tu, tha mi a’ mionnachadh gum freagair mi.
Agus nuair a bhios tu a ’seinn, bidh mi nam dannsair agad.

Leis na reultan air fad, thig ar aislingean gu buil.
Air do chuim, bidh mi ri do thaobh.

Mar sin anns an àm seo, dèan do mhiann, a ghràidh,
Agus seinn do ghràs, gu bràth, na mo chluasan
Another poem with a Gaelic twist.
Iaìn MacAnndrais
Written by
Iaìn MacAnndrais  26/M/Cleveland
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