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Jul 2020
It's been way to long, walk back
to the land we knew
fall from the world we have now
build one together for us
just smile and speak until this dies
I'm running-
running in the woods of your sillage
breathing the memories you left in my cells
wishing we would hold the hands
and escape to the ukiyo in our heart
I'm aware this will become a memory ;dÊs vu
but still together
let's balter forever
leaving the foot print in the december snow
I promise, I will stare you like a mirror
bring the the color to feuillemort
when vernal is back to life
up to then feel the cold warming each others soul
I know that our eyes can talk like we used to
so don't wake up from the dream
unless we can see the scintilla.
forever we are together
the seasons never separate our souls
Written by
Yashashvi  18/F/India
     laura, Notepad, Arty, Glenn Currier and Imran Islam
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