having a savior complex as a defense mechanism only proves your naïve nature to be in bloom do not sacrifice yourself to assist my growth if you have been choking buds from blossoming desirable only under your own timing strategically planning how to keep me -
to escape your cruelty would be my first destination along the roadmap: "Putting My Heart Back Together" stop basking in your anger quit trembling in your wake halt feeding our flame you so desperately yearn to keep alive as if your flicker could burn down mountains I have built around myself -
season's change will wither your mal-intent revenge budding with debris and pests vermin desperately seeking attention temptation licking at my ankles keeping my eyes forwards this being no trip for me in any regard but an unpleasant stop along the way -
these hornets I have mistaken for bees thorns thought to be flowers at first being destructive in the face of opposition now I offer honey instead of vinegar this time I will not suffer lonely -
feeding into trembles in my pulse, letting your words stain blood coursing through my veins, too easily I give in to the silence between beats, my heartbeat -
oh! my poor heart, this tired thing that won’t stop me using my soul as a guiding light instead of fires you set forth can be a tiring task but well worth the hassle even while traveling alone.