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Jun 2020
I hate being scared

I hate the feeling of when my legs shake and buckle underneath me

I hate how the fear grabs ahold of my mind like the high jacking of a plane crashing down from the sky.

I hate the paralysis that accompanies fear.
It’s like a train wreck in slow motion but you’re too scared to move.

It’s an invisible embrace that wraps all around you

What can you push away when fear doesn’t have a body?
No legs
No arms
Not even a head
How do you overcome an invisible entity?

Is there a ghostbuster out there?
Hello, ghostbusters?
I’m in need of exercising an invisible entity named fear.
But there’s no such thing as ghostbusters

but there is fear
It’s very real and everyone feels it.
I know, I do.
I can’t physically beat up fear.
So what do I do?
All my years of badass Muay Thai training does me no good.

I have to stop this fear
I no longer want to live in it.
I don’t want to feel it’s grasp any longer

I heard of a saying to grab the bull by the horns
I see the bull
I see the big horns
I’m gonna grab it
Here I go
Written by
Achick  35/F/Texas
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