I discharge ; a laugh without kindle (not from the origin of tune and mastication) from an orifice of wound
a hack of mushroomy dry fleck : the taste touches the back of the airways and takes to the brain in an ail
ideas slurry my actions blur I fumble about my living space my balance pained ears fall to floor an ug at the back my throat I laugh from all fours vision reddens unhinged at the jaw my neck shoulder muscles punting my logged and leaden head lolling a laugh of hurt a ******* of saliva detonates on the carpet is there blood in that ? sickness on the verge of being brutally provided
"So dramatic !" my wife passes me a glass of fruit juice and an aspirin preventing the transformation a gentle chiding
original version ....
[a laugh without kindle from a wound not an orifice a mastication of ills and soothes a not quite mushroom smell pained ears an ug at the back of the throat]