Everything feels exhilarating Until you can't feel anything at all You see the sparkle in hiding in their pupils Wanting to shine just for you But it fades before it reaches the top It all fades to a numbness That aches in your bones at night Unable to put it to words Hoping they see that your in pain They turn the other way Not knowing how to read the crystal ball They have yet to find within So back to the voices That only echo's within your skull Telling you there isn't a future With the one you love the most Because the love is for the now Felt from duck 'til dawn Leaving an open space somewhere inside That can't be filled with what's present The internal conversation continues The fear you didn't know you possessed Taking over and drowning everything in its path How can you make a future with this love? If it would only turn around and harm you in the end The whistle tones vibrate to the core The outside voices might be right It's not meant to be Why can't you see the future you seek? It's not meant to be.