second class a step below worth it a kiss away from a person about an inch down from a woman two cup sizes more than wife material about ten kilos too few to bear children twenty too much for a surrogate mum to pay off approximately two master's degrees beyond being smart and too much baggage to be lovable at heart
second class second class too much makeup to be beautiful and too little beauty for less makeup not really worth the dinner but decent for dessert a little too aggressive and a little too astute not beautiful enough to be worth the taming of the shrew too many opinions to be fun very funny to rile you up, though fun to see you get knocked down a peg or two
second class second class second class good throat, not a lot of gag reflex, i guess a lot of enthusiasm but not really worth the stress the same throat talks too much, wish it'd just dry up good to stick it in, but too curvy to cuddle are you gonna go to sleep anytime soon? strong thighs, do you work out or something? ****, yeah, right there, that's good babe god, i'm so glad you're okay with being casual
second class? nice enough, just really not all that special are you class two ******* casual, casual second class class two that's you