Under the gentle hug of a cherry blossom spring She found herself while lost at sea. Rain soaks through her precious skin As the wooden raft rocks over violent waves.
‘Breathe…’ she murmurs to herself. The cotton touch of grass wraps around her fingers.
Her mind snaps back to the terrible terrain. Lost. Bewildered. Endangered. Unsafe as those who hang from tall places, as scared as those who beg to rich faces.
‘Breathe…’ she murmurs to herself. The sun and moon exhale. Their whispers kiss her lips. Her body enveloped in natures tender care While chemicals fight with angered cries.
The wooden planks break. The sea removes her breath. Drowning in the face of it all While her lungs are filled with water.
‘Breathe…’ she murmurs to herself. ‘What’s wrong with here and now?’ A leaf falls down and greats her body. Like a warm day, She glows.