Somethings are just too hard to forgive Some people are just too much to forget
I'm ruining my life and no one understands why. But i do i just can't seem to tell you why
But tell me am i the problem to why this **** happens I mean you seem to make it out as it is my fault
The **** that happens you don't know the half of it yet you don't bother to ask Not that i would waste my breath in telling you what i need you to hear
No no you only want to hear what makes you happy, so have you thought that maybe just maybe this is why i don't want to hear from you?
Come on you have to question it. Yes i listen to what u want me i agree so you don't get mad at me not because i agree to what you say.
Okay so we have talked about the first one forgive Well that was leading up to that Forgive ( definition to the word forgive, verb stop feeling angry or resentful towards someone) But what if you just can't simply forgive.