Love me Like you've never loved before And like you'll never love again Till I can't take it anymore cos I'm filled up And until the only thing left in the plate set before me is more of it
Hold me Like a mother holds her new born child Looking into its eyes, fast forgetting the pain and whatnots she's been through Till the delicate smell of your fragrance becomes my shield And until my skin starts to melt into yours
Touch me Till your prints are boldly engraved on me Let your hands run wild and wide all through and true Let it wander around my body,it's yours for the taken Don't hold back, this is all I've ever wanted
Kiss me Till the taste of your lips linger on even after you're done Till I'm wasted and as drunk as a skunk Or don't you know your mouth is an ocean of wine I'll gladly swim in it until my strength is gone and I drown
Leave me Only when I tell you to which I'm pretty sure is never Never forget we're bound from now till forever And even before the clock started to run its never ending race Let it be the one thing you don't know how to do