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Mar 2020
It's dark in the room
With only little light coming from
The lamp at the corner of the room
Alone with my thoughts
Wishing I wasn't feeling unknown pain
Oh how I let my mind wonder
With words like...
Oh how I wish I didn't
Wear this mask as if everything is okay
When you the person I thought would never
Break my heart
I thought friendship was forever between us
But I was wrong
I was replaced
Who knew caring so much for someone was
Who knew trying to keep the one you love safe
Could lead them to hating you
In the Night
I remember our late night calls
Of laughter on the most random things
People would admire how great friends we
It's all apart of life
I grew up and found my love
But I still wanted my love and having you as my
Best friend
But things happen for the best
You found your love
And replaced me
When I tried managing you and my love
I couldn't help to not want to protect you
You were my sister
You were my shoulder to cry on
But I guess when you found someone
Our daily hang outs became none
Our daily chats about our lives became
About me trying to protect you
Or you saying things that I knew were not like you
Or arguing about our boyfriends
As I tried to defend mine
Since you didn't know much about mine
You were the keeper to my secrets
To my deepest thoughts
But turns out
You were just like everybody else
Wanting to advantage of my innocence
With my generosity
And be okay with being the "hidden plan"
When you were with somebody else
You said you understood what I was going through
When you have never experienced distance
From the one you love
I wanted to save you
Protect you
But I guess I couldn't
You broke me
I shall move on with my life
Deal with the things you spread around that are not true
Deal with the things I only shared with you
To be spread to the whole world
I hope you know
You made me stronger
You also made me trust no one
You may wish bad upon me
But I only wish good for you
This is no hate for you
But only love
I hope you have a bright future
I hope you pursue any dreams you may have
But I will no longer be here
I know you don't care
I have been replaced
I hope some of you can relate to this. This is one of the most personal poems I have written so far.
Written by
HeyitsAngel  21/F
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