i'm your "Pluto" i may get lost away from your all round system, but my absence will no way allow your hands to position 'an another', nevertheless your heart beats for the'other' better.
i'm your "Pluto" i too have quite a complex and mysterious world, some parts yet not revealed but, my heavens will ask you to retain for the hour, when every treasures will be unlocked by you, "memories exploding with entitled expeditions", that's what your dreams are and mine is to "materialize all yours".
i'm your "Pluto" and you are my spirited sun, and my round around the sun is discrete not the same like others do,but "rare" as you are.
i'm your "Pluto" and my surface is extremely cold, it's a hell me as life sustains only for certain period, and with those lives i have a lots of thoughts, that i share with myself all the day alone. "you look cool,hope you stay here forever and ever."
i'm your "Pluto" and you are my "Charon", with you together till death do us apart will the "together planet".