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Feb 2020
I remember what we had
Long passion-filled kisses
And lovingly holding hands
The same dreams and wishes

We knew what the world was
All those happy times together
We were very deeply in love
And we made our world better

And we are so alike
Yet we are so alone
Our love is still inside
Waiting to be shown

Our lives have always been tough
In between the years apart
But it seems love was never enough
Everyone doomed us from the start

But I know our love will never falter
Even though we are not together
It is firmly etched into our hearts
It will remain there always and forever

But we are so alike
Why are we so alone?
Our love is there inside
It is a love that we own

We never had to fake it at all
But we left a lot of things unsaid
The same goals we always talked
And together we planned ahead

I feel like I'm sitting in a corner
And your on the other side of the wall
I need you now more than ever
You're so close but can't get to you at all

You know we are so alike
Yet we continue to be alone
I see you but you're out of reach
Take my hand and allow love to flow

We had no temptation for any another
At the times when we were together
We were very deeply in love
And we made the whole world better

Maybe someday our hearts will touch
We were meant to be with each other
Many times we tried to no avail
No matter what our love will last forever

We'll always be so alike
But why are we so alone?
Our love is there waiting
We just have to make it known

© 2020  Michael Messinger
(All rights reserved)
Michael Messinger
Written by
Michael Messinger  M/Ohio
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