My body is a house for a horde of emotions, locked away in all the different cavities of space.
Anxiety rents the room at the bottom of my stomach, coming and going whenever he pleases. An open door into an isolated room filled with never-ending noise. Messy. Unpredictable.
In the middle of my sternum is where you find happiness, her glow - sometimes hidden but never permanently gone. She warms my chest when it feels too cold for anything else to live there, and keeps my hearth going in times i was sure it would die out. Comfortable. Simple.
I feel anger in my lungs. Their mass pressed against My rib-cage, tightening unbearably against the bars around them. They like to be the one to break the valuables I hold in my hands. Hot. Uncomfortable.
Embarrassment, She comes to party right underneath the surface. All skin and no substance. My capillaries burst into patches of reds and pinks, the colours she likes to splatter against the walls. Always the unwanted guest that turns up without an invitation. Irritating. Despised.
And loneliness; Well, they like to make their bed in my head Wrapped up and suffocating any air around them. Boxes of memories towering around them with no motivation to indulge in anything that would make their place livelier. The lights are always off in there, so i can never see them but i always feel their presence. Dark. Desolate.
My body is a hostel available for purchase from any feelings that need a place to sleep. But it is the one place where the only person who doesn't feel at home is me.