This thing called Death is but a return To the soil from whence we came, The soft clay of this Earth, our components, Formed into shapes, then given a name
The dust we see floating on sunbeams Is the soul in disarray, But when arranged in the proper order Molds us into who we are today
How we cherish these bodies of clay, Though we don't get to choose them, Defective or whole, in sickness and health, When Death calls, how we fear to lose them
Proud as the peacock we wear our flesh -- Fine particles of matter! But Death carries us all to the same fate: We rot, and the particles scatter
Our value diminishes to naught When we realize this truth: "From dust we came, to dust we shall return." (Though you may find my ramblings uncouth)
And those who shed tears at our graveside Cry for their own destiny, For well they know that they too shall become A speck of dust in eternity