I must be honest right now, You do not know what I know, You haven’t come from the same place as I did though, You have ages to catch up to what I must show, Yes, my superior mind always worked in comparison to others and it won’t slow. I wonder what would make me feel good about myself if I was in an island, and I didn’t know.
Meandering and zigzagged, they were all over the place, I tried to search for them for I wanted to search it at my own pace, a cruise took me over to the horizon but those lines I couldn’t retrace, flying above ground high up in the sky and yet not a trace. I wonder if the lines would ever go away in our minds, and I didn’t know.
Oh, my half-baked knowledgeable mind, maybe you know everything, and you can teach me.
TS. 2019. Knowledge is really additive - and if we know that - we wouldn't make enemies, but alas that is not the case I guess. Hope you like it