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Feb 2020
weakness is my strength.
Because God said
his power is made perfect in weakness.

He can make my darkest nights
into fires to warm other people's hearts.

He can make my wounds into
reminders of how beautiful
life can be.

He can make my broken moons into
to realise their all
made to make someone else
realise the truth.

He can make my stormy seas
into gentle whispers of
understanding and a
bridge of love.

He is my God.
And im not ashamed to say so.

Bash me,
bruise me,
mock me
say i should be sorry,
tear apart my heart into two
and say im wicked,
pull out my eyes and
mock them too.
mock how i see things.

continue to break my moons
continue to show me i am weak
continue to point out my darkest nights

continue to remind me of God
continue to remind me of my
sheer mortality.
remind me of the lies some can say.

remind me.

remind me how powerful God can be.
share with me open doors by which
prayers can be sent through,
and allow me to
seek and
question my faith.

what is faith without doubt
what is growth without a painful season of pruning
what is the value of life without
knowing the suffering of my deadly ways.

who am i without God?

so go ahead and
make my journey more painful.
so go ahead
to test my patience and
reveal my inner workings

to see if i do love
see how i can improve
see how i can crack, break

to mend another heart.

weakness is my strength.
night skies are just as bright as the sun.
my most painful moments can be beautiful.

in God i am strong.
in God i am loved
in God you are strong
in God you are loved.

my Child.
heyy everyone its been a while hhaa..took a long on poetizer now, my username is "truthfully" with a verse as my profile pic. its like a blue sky thing. But right, hope everyone is doing okay and keeping everyone in my prayers!!
Written by
forestfaith  18/M/Singapore
     Fawn and ---
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