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Dec 2019
Are You AFRAID of What You See When You look At Me ... ?
Well Can't You See That This Is How Most Racists Be ... ?
If You're ... AFRAID Because I'm Tall And Black ...
Why Be Like That I'm Just A Man ... ?!?
"THINK First Old Chap !" ....
Because What Comes Next Are RACIST Acts ...
Like DEADLY Use of Tools Like An AXE ... !!!
Acts Like These Are Most EXTREME ... !!!
But Fear Plays A Part In RACIST Hearts ...
Who Make CRUEL Moves Both CRUDE And SHREWD ... !!!
Some Simply Give Jobs To RACIST Yobs ... !!!
Or GREEDY Toffs Who Sit And Plot How They Can Rob ...
If You DON'T Believe Me Just Look At ... " ENRON " ... !!!
Don't Know The FULL COUP But To Tell You The TRUTH ...
These Corporate Crimes Happen All The Time ... !!!
While Blacks Like Me Keep Writing Rhymes ...
But You're ... AFRAID of ME ... ?!!!?
Come On Now PLEASE ...
Of Course Some Blacks Commit EVIL Deeds ...
But Who REALLY CONTROLS ... Economies ... ?!!!?
And Move With Crews of Forty Thieves ... ???
And Feed FALLACIES Through Your TV's ... ?
Why ON EARTH Are You ... SCARED of ME ... !?!
"But Virge, don't you see, you look scary !"
That's A POOR Excuse ...
Can't You Think of Something New ... !?!
There Are BIG White Men Who Are SCARY TOO ... !!!
I DON'T Make The Policies ...
That Leave People Begging On Their KNEES ... !!!
To Educate And ABUSE Your Child ... !!!
But You're SCARED of ME And Choose To .................... Ignore ...
My Presence When I Walk Through Doors ..... !!!!!!!
Is Beginning To BORE ... !!!
But ... LISTEN UP BLACK Woman And Man ...
I Mean YOU TOO ...
Those Who Act Like I'm A THREAT To YOU ... ?!?
When I Walk The Streets ...
It's BEYOND BELIEF The Way Some Blacks ...  
Choose To ... LOOK AT ME ... !!!!!!
What You Looking At Black I'M NOT Gonna Attack ... ?
Does The Way I Look REALLY Make You Think That ... ?!?
Try Looking In The MIRROR ...
Let Your Judgements ... SIMMER ...........................................
And REMEMBER Who It Is ...
You RESPECTED As Kids ...
Bet It WASN'T ... " ELVIS " ... !!!!!!
How About ... MARLEY ... ???
A Man Whose Appearance Was A Little Like Me ... !!!
I Bet ELDERS In ... Your Family ...
Have Got His Music ... On CD ... !!!
Or BETTER STILL On A Vinyl LP ... !!!!
And What About ... NOW ...
Do Your Kids Play Sounds By ... Mister Fifty ... ?
FORGET How He Looks ...
What he Says Is ... SCARY ... !!!!!
Well ... NOT To Me ... !!!!!
But The Media Says That Songs He Makes ...
Breed VIOLENT Brains And Street Gunplay ... !!!
If You Had To Face THAT ...
What Would You Say Would You Be AFRAID ... ???
I Think You Will If You Face Being KILLED ...
So When You See Me ... I Suggest You CHILL ... !!!!!!
Because I Believe In ... LOVE And PEACE ...  
And Also YES ... Black UNITY ... !!!
When Will Blacks Learn To AGREE ... ?!?
The Way I Look Shouldn't Leave You SHOOK ...
Why Would You ASSUME That I'm A CROOK ... !?!?!
You've Got MORE IMPORTANT Things To FEAR ...  
Than Thinking I'm Your ENEMY ... When I Appear ... !!!!!
New Orleans ... Should of Made It CLEAR ... !!!!!
The Time's Drawing NEAR When Our Atmosphere ...
Will Have Reached THE POINT of NO RETURN ...  
I Guess You'll Say ... " Oh Dear Oh Dear ! " ...
But Will KEEP The Attitude ...
That I'm A DANGER To YOU ...
Well THAT's NOT COOL ... !!!
You're AFRAID of ME ...  
Well I'm AFRAID of ... YOU ... !!!  
of What You BELIEVE And What You'll Do ...
Some of You Are A Bit CONFUSED ... !!!
It's Sad But TRUE Many Blacks Have A TAINTED View ... !!!!!
And STILL Haven't Learned From History's Clues ... !!!
MONEY Is The ... BIG ISSUE ... !!!
Instead of FEARING How I LOOK ... ?!?
You Should Try FEARING ... Governments Books ... !!!
The Things You'll Find May Leave You SHOOK ...  
But You'll Find Recipes On How To COOK ... !!!!!!!!!!  
How To ... " Cook Up A Plan " ...
To ... CONTROL Humans ... !!!
"Lets give them cash, and work contracts,
then just like that, we'll take it back !
Make them buy homes, then offer them loans,
then when they're old, with fragile bones,
make them pay a toll, for property that they, never owned !"
That's The MASSES Folks And That's NO JOKE ... !!!
But You WON'T Be BROKE If You're In The RIGHT Fold ...
Because They're The Ones Who KEEP A TIGHT HOLD ...
On ALL Their Homes And ... Pots of Gold ... !!!!!!
But ....  
FEAR ME If You Like ... And My Style of Rhyme ...
If You Find You SUFFER And Have NO HOME ...
I'm NOT The Type To Say ... " I TOLD YOU SO ! " ...
Actually I AM ...
Because CLEARLY YES ... I Am THE MAN ... !!!
I Guess You're Thinking ...  
I'm An ... ARROGANT Black ... !!!!!!
Well .....
TEN YEARS Down The Line ...
When You CAN'T AFFORD A FLAT ... ?!!!?
Maybe Then You'll Agree With My Poetry ... ???
It Seems We'll Have To Wait And See ......................................
If MY Wordplay At The End of The Day ...
Is WRONG or ... RIGHT ... ???
Or Is The Type That Deserves BIG HYPE ...  
And Should Be Heard Through WORLDWIDE MIcs' ... !!!
Meantime I Face Delays And Games ...
From Those Who KEEP My Use of Prose ...
KEPT ON HOLD ... And STEERED WELL CLEAR From Public Ears ...
Because of Their FEARS And ... FALSE Veneers ... !!!!!
So The LAST Question I'll Write On This Page ...
Or When Performed ... Will Be Said On Stage ...  
Are These THREE Words ....
............... " Are You Afraid " ................. ???
A question that is probably running through more and minds in thesse days and times .....
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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