relishing in the happiness of my peers And drowning in their sorrows- Sympathy always has been risky But I know nothing else to follow ~ Take another’s kindness- And put it on display So it can grow bigger with time And set someone’s path on replay
Make a friend, share another No matter the cost- Don’t let anyone feel at a loss
Show your feelings- As you will take in others And connect with those around you Without remorse
Look at everyone- Always as if for the first time Using an eye of wisdom To tell of their time ~ I look beyond to see one's true self with clarity- And never look down on those who glare at me Because all I seek in a world of pure hatred- Is at least one shred of pure amity
-challenge This is for someone who I feel is unappreciated. She is so kind to others, and I never see her expecting much of anyone in return. I can only hope she doesn't become plagued by the people around her over time.