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Dec 2019
The light grew dimmer
and the darkness encased her.
For so long the darkness had been growing
until now there was the merest glimmer of light up above.

The silence echoed all around
the deafening roar of words unspoken.
Now all that remained were the sound of memories
of laughter and joy long since gone.

Up above flew the figure of a bird
the most majestic bird she had ever seen.
With wings of gold that reflected the sun
and a glorious call that resonated around her.

The brightest of lights shone down
covering her in a veil of gold,
Hyaline wings formed from her shoulders
and feathers shrouded her flesh.

She fluttered her wings
and with an air of grace and beauty
she reached up to the light
and soared up through the air

Over raging seas and lakes as blue as shimmering steel,
through dense forests filled with the songs of their faithful inhabitants.
High above the barren landscape of the desert,
until she landed on the snow-capped peaks of the mountain tops.

And all at once, she knew she was free.
Written by
     Carlo C Gomez, --- and ---
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