I let myself be in love once Giddy and gleeful Not butterflies in my stomach But warm milk in my belly
I was devoted I was obedient I was his.
Until I decided not to be. Because when you give all yourself over You lose yourself And now I have been gone for awhile I have forgotten how to live
And at times I don’t want to live It sits on my chest Weighs down my heart Until I no longer want to be present Or have this present from the melancholy king
But I am growing again And I feel my soul stretch Like a cat after a cozy afternoon nap And I am ready And excited Oh so excited for what will happen
But for now (and maybe for ever -fingers crossed) I do not want to be in love I do not want to have a lover
For if being in love is a debt I do not want to be in the business of it It has nothing to do with me