I know your captivating eyes are wide open Why are you insistent in being this blind My saddened heart shed endless tears daily For your touch It uncontrollably yearns
Your smile still leaves me timelessly frozen cemented in a statue daze your essence pure poetry in motion It leaves even heavenly angels stunned and amazed
I glide on every word you have ever spoken i have always been glued to your side My feelings masked and lonesome from the hurtful truth they desperately hide
I love you whole heartedly more than life itself I know these feelings you don't reciprocate So I keep it deeply buried and shelved Nightly shedding uncontrollable tears These secret feelings my lips can never divulge
I love you like a brother These words more toxic than cyanide Poisoned down to my tear stained soul Love's raging This acidic feelings burning from deep inside
Love is love The solace I take from living a dream that never came true A truth that I have a earthly angel for life With my reasoning mind these words were imbued.
Sometimes the head has to overrule the heart This for the better of mankind So you don't get lost in hatred Missing a genuine love you meant to find. These feelings are not easy Sometimes it's hard to hide Losing a friend you love is harder Because you losing love from both sides.