A kiss goodbye at the door, Streetlights on, I’ve never been anyone’s
I am trying not to think of How much I want you to see the world The way you look ahead as you Get deeper in conversation
I don’t want to remember the Laughs in between Or that one time you told me You didn’t want to mislead me
I don’t want to think about How I am listening to The Smiths And writing this
I try to not get lost in thought But we both know I do
I want to believe not wanting me Has more to do with you
I don’t want to remember How easily comfortable I got Every time in your front seat
I don’t want to know, More than anyone, How bad you are for me And how much goodness I Choose to see in you
I hate texting my best friend And telling her “I know, I know, I’m stupid” Hate this battle only I’m fighting
The one where I force myself To where you’re standing Where I tell myself I’m standing with you Even though it means I want to stand with you longer Than you’d like
I want more than anything To not notice how you don’t Touch me after getting off of me
I want more than anything To prove I can do the same
I can’t bear the thought Of this cycle repeating itself But you say the words And I’m there
Letting go probably isn’t as hard As people make it out to be It’s not like you’d grab on to my hand To keep me
I don’t wanna think about How it’s my fault we’re here Because I’m the one who reached out Because I’m the one who let you Kiss me on the mouth
I want to share the same joint But not get high off you anymore I want it both ways I want it to be me this works out more for
Want it to be you who thinks of me, To be the reason you get deep in thought But we both know I’m not And I know you won’t
I want to believe not wanting me Has more to do with you But we both know I don’t