[Proverbs 18:13 To answer before listening— that is folly and shame.]
Listen -
no matter how impregnable or how tall the border wall how faint their call no matter how great the chasm between you and them between your point of view between your world view and where they have taken their pew
- Listen
don't write them off as blinkered as closed minded as none-so-blind and don't be so quick to assert you're the more 20 20 vision kind
- Listen
don't shame them or be all too ready to belittle them don't be dismissive of them with no respect for them and for what has led them and theirs to their honestly held position
- Listen
assume their good faith and in a space that's safe assume a position of good natured mutual consideration and seek mutual revelation of God-given wisdom
and as you clear that common ground you are bound to build a safer compound a creator-shared hallowed ground where the heard are found while bound for wisdom together
Proverbs 18:13 To answer before listening— that is folly and shame.