I have to work tomorrow I have to work tomorrow I have to work tomorrow I have to work tomorrow I have to work tomorrow I don't want to work tomorrow
I rather sleep tomorrow I rather be in my bed tomorrow I want to be free tomorrow I don't want to greet anyone tomorrow I don't want to go outside tomorrow And I don't want to work tomorrow
But I have to work tomorrow Because if I don't tomorrow People might get mad tomorrow I might get fired tomorrow I'd hate myself tomorrow But I don't want to work tomorrow
Every time I think about tomorrow I get anxious about tomorrow People are expecting me tomorrow I have to live up to them tomorrow But I can't live up to them tomorrow Because I don't want to work tomorrow
It's only an hour tomorrow It's close by tomorrow But I still want to cancel tomorrow Though I can't cancel tomorrow Because I still have to work tomorrow Even though I don't want to work tomorrow
My head is filled with tomorrow Because I'm scared of tomorrow I have to be outside tomorrow I have to be among people tomorrow But if I'm honest about tomorrow I don't want to wake up tomorrow
I haven't written a poem in a long time. I had a job and it went good for a while, but I started to get in my head. That's how this poem came to life.