one searches the index, hopeful a screenshot pinpricks the eye and the peculiar
peculiar need of the moment
like most things good and appreciated, sifting through the chaff is a learned skill, required but not intuitively sired, not every new word in the dictionary delights, insights, triggering a welcome!warning
the sifter’s handle fits the hand uncomfortably, requiring egregious prodigious turnings, till the flour is silky and manipulative, ready, pleasure is work, luster need maintenance
you passover, skippering, a search for the next and the next, treasured island is constantly on the move, it’s coordinates require GPS updating
rerouting rerouting rerouting
what does this reveal about you?
there are no simple single path pleasures, the first bite delight is ultimately worn down, recalled but not equally fully restored, so we need, insistent for new thrill pathways to get to the same old pleasured places
the body acts, the body’s acts, the body’s reacts
familiarity is a museum collection, everything human requires updating, especially essentially by the imagination’s perpetual swiping