Tomorrow makes its way into the history of my heart – always a mystery to me it is full of people, music, feeling, and strain a morsel of ache and moments of drain it has taken me walked and run from rising to setting sun from shame to grace from a lower to a higher place.
This old heart has filled me with tears of sadness, joy, faith and fears awe and anger, glorious heights lowly dark and bruising disgust love full of passion, pain, and trust.
Touched by victories over incredible odds moved from darkness to cirrus gods from squalls and brawls and angry shouting snatched me from moments of demons and doubting.
Heart to beating heart in warm embraces football in sandlots and youthful races fearful greetings and tearful goodbyes falling in love with her big brown eyes heart to heart in evenings of sharing from being apart to coupling and caring.
And so tomorrow I and my heart go again for another new start in the hands of healers and angels from afar whatever comes from this if all is well or it goes amiss I fear not whatever the course for I have been - and will be - in the hands of the Source.
Thursday, 4-11-19, again I will go to the hospital where doctors will try to kick-start my heart back into rhythm. In some ways it is routine for I have been there three times before, but it IS my heart so there's always a little concern about the outcome. I usually get a bit emotional at these times so this poem is an attempt to take a piece of my heart and share it with you, my fellow poets who also follow their hearts.