As I lay awake one evening, with thoughts speeding through my head; I knew sleep was evading me, so I wrote this poem instead. ~ It did not come quite easily, as the poems I've penned before; But I knew that I had much to say, so I continued to write some more. ~ I lacked an idea or topic, was I penning this poem in vain; Then I began to contemplate, the sun, the moon, and the rain. ~ Deep within my troubled Soul, Christ Jesus came to my mind; He who created the moon to glow, and the sun in the Heavens to shine. ~ He calmed the storm with His hand, as He calms the storms in my life; He made a miraculous Rainbow, and the stars to twinkle at night. ~ I then began to see Jesus, in the trees, the grass, and the sky; Thus I began to see clearly, God's handiwork in my own life.