For years and years I have been the shadow to your light Always there while you shone like the sun.
I have always tried to shine, but you shone brighter My soft, weak, delicate voice could not overpower yours
No one saw my light No one saw all the things I could have gave them All cause I was your shadow
Your star of talent always out shone mine And you all know what happens when a star can't shine It starts to die It became a shadow to your sun
The spotlight was always on you And I had to put my talents on the shelf Cause no saw no one cared All they saw was you and your light ............................................................................................................................
But now it is my turn to shine It is my turn to be recognized People will finally see me and all the things I could have done for them
They will see what they have missed out But I won't be coming back to them Cause they should have seen it earlier They should not have let me down They should not have made me worthless They should have given me some chances It is your turn to become the shadow It is your turn to sit down It is my turn to become the sun
I refuse to hide in the shadows I refuse to put my talents on the shelf I refuse to be the shadow of the spotlight
I will be heard I will not be silenced My once weak voice will ring across the nation And everyone will remember my name