Is God real? If He is, He must be torturing me. He took the ones I loved and twisted them like locks. They changed and morphed and blended together until I could no longer distinguish them from the blurs of the unfocused background. He took them and set up a metal trap for me to walk into. People I'm in love with love other people. People are forgetting me, or worse, doubting me. People I trusted with my whole heart hurt me in such a way that I can't even react to things in the way that I should. He has bent and broken my home. Screams echo into a small room that I cannot call my own. It's been like this for too long. I must have done something wrong to upset Him, But I don't even know what I did.
No one trusts me or believes me. I'm losing them and losing myself. I've been left to defend for myself with doubt around every corner. I've held out for so long, I can't go on for much longer.