As you looked me in the eyes Us perched on the hood of a car, Night sky all around and A shining moon up above Like some sort of choreographed movie scene, But we were the stars
You told me I was beautiful, That I deserved so much more than the love I received from another. You wanted to hold me in your arms, And loved the way my scent lingered on your shirt when you left
Your fingers brushed over mine and twiddled my fingers, as your mind escaped to a far away place I remember the hugs, that held me so tight I could barely take in a breath Of course, I didn’t care if I could breathe or not I didn’t care when you stepped on my feet as we slow danced too fast to a song neither of us knew the title to Or when you laughed so hard you spit a piece of food at me Nope, I didn’t care because I couldn’t possibly fathom any part of you as wrong
I still have the poems you wrote for me, you know, The one where you fell for me first And wrote about what it was like to be on the ground, while I was still standing up You long
Eventually I started to trip myself, Until I lost my balance and fell Expecting to fall in your arms, But hit the hard ground instead Because that was when you realized, It wasn’t worth it anymore