Here comes Dawn! that august crown with lights in his eyes gold in his mouth a fresh sheet in his footsteps pearls in his song - of which the notes aren’t black, but silver ring in tone Whose abyssal blue eyes have never fallen before, never wandered off the trail he has committed himself to never-
It’s the same Dawn who has broken so many hearts and left countless others grabbing sighing for an empty, transparent glance Whose footsteps are traced by more than Day alone: the morning brings him thousands of pulling eyes to pull along
Ladies! Lovers! Princesses! hear here my advice: the Golden Prince is a single spirit an eagle with no eyes for women or girls or queens or beggars or damsels of any kind and nothing in earth heaven or hell could ever change his mind So leave him bear his heavy burdens, he’s suffered enough, let him be He can’t be tamed and shan’t be tempted, forever he will be free