O, it is December, A brumal, solemn, Algid December; I do fall And I do quiver, in Reminiscence For it is December.
A throne Worn, earthen-millefleur recliner And I Vestured in dereliction, Crowned in The Diadem of Loveless Blight:
Your utterances resound in The dense sense of the past tense; Ineffable magistry, Where our Scintillations and propagations might emblazon The Luminous Seeds of the Stars.
Your soul Waxeth Messianic, In those Pithy moments Of our ethereal communion.
Your porcelain epidermis And azure irides Quaked mine senses Until every sight was ∞Arcadian∞
O, Where Have you gone Glaceaen Arcadia?
O, Is the Fulgurant Vista You sparked in Mine Mind’s Sky Now twilit, a starless Aether?
Breathe me Anew, that the Auric Chalice of Amour might pour Me into thee, set me free, let me be Yours and yours Alone (∞).
O, it is December, A brumal, solemn, Algid December; I shall transcend And I shall remember Your infinite arms, For it is December.