a naked lady on a bicycle graces the wine bottle i swirl the blueberry bitterness in one of the corralware mugs with holly berries on the rim choke it down and wish i’d eaten some kind of dinner besides stray fruit and dark chocolate
is this what christmas really means?
cold and tired unable to feel my fingers or my toes or anything inside my heart that might resemble any kind of positive emotion
sleep alcohol *** food
the four basic needs associated with being human and getting through a time like this
at least two of them should help me get through this week but this hippie wine is all i’ve got
it’s late it’s really ****** late at least for me
but you stay up to all hours
i can’t get the wine down but it’s okay because i’m tired enough that i’m already acting drunk
and when you walk through the back door i’ll tackle you stick my cold hands under your clothes where it’s warm and inviting and i’ll hope for the best
i know better than to rely on people for getting me through the hard times but it’s so tempting when you’re so soft and warm and you always take care of me
and i’m so tired so tired so... tired
and i want to fall asleep in your bed on your chest where time doesn’t exist and stress is just a memory
and the only thought in my mind is that you’re the best thing to ever happen to me