There are days that pass for days when a man simply needs to lie on the floor and pet his dog prone, scratching, yawning, scratching a dog’s day connections between man and his best friend found right there on the living room floor feeding each other a steady diet of biscuits and love
Evenings pass for nights out once in a while when a man yearns to lie on the floor and pass passing gasses his own scratching, belching with no one to hear fuses of events flash between reality / fiction last night there in a haze finding himself between thoughts, words loosely passing for poetics politics
Night after night after night’s out lying here on the floor with you our nakedness shining stretching, caressing, massaging temples for lovers self exposed secretly, we’re finding more and more about one another lying here, honestly - the best policy the most difficult to accept for you it would seem I confess my love and you cringe I love you there, lying on the floor and you smile “forever”, I claim “never”, you answer afraid of my honesty
Sometimes a guy’s just gotta’ be honest with himself, spend a few minutes lying there on the floor pet his dog, evade a memory love someone laying there, in all honesty.
As a person's best friend - the best friend will always be there. Then there are those who claim to be a "best friend" and it starts to unravel. Not so with the canine companion. No matter what, they will join you on the floor naked and wait for biscuits and love.