There is time for thought During this daily walk There is no need to achieve No need to count steps Or tally blocks or miles or minutes Leisure is on-deck Time away from work Time away from expectations Time when the only eyes evaluating The steps, the distance, the pace Is you
Pressure mounts step by step Shifting attention from the trees The falling leaves, the birds, Returning to self-centered issues Returning to thoughts that evaluate Judgments about the past Become concerns for the future Has enough been accomplished Has enough been stored For what is to come
Current experience happens Yet passes by Without appreciation Without being savored
Being becomes anxiety Being becomes guilt Being becomes non-being
The question is repeated Constantly nagging “Why is it so hard to become Aware of the present And why is it so hard to stay With the moment?”
Will life be long enough For one to accept That this is good-enough That this moment Is life and it is good enough Being here, being now
Just sharing what seems to me to be an "eternal question"