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Nov 2018
There are lots of things I want;
                   memories that don't haunt.
People that don't lie,
                   life that doesn't die.
People that will love,
                   a person with truelove.
People that will care,
                   a world that will share.
People that will be honest,
                   everyone keeping their promise.
People not fighting,
                    everyday being new and exiting.
People that will love each other,
                     pain from which we can recover.
A world without crime,
                    not worrying about time.
Hearts that won't break,
                   bodies that won't ache.
A man that will love me,
                     a world where we can be free.
A place where people can be heard,
                     a place where people watch their words.
Families that will get along,
                     a world where there will be no wrong.
What has our world turned into? Everyone being judged, everyone being so unkind, everyone being hurt. Why don't we do something? Why don't we start with the "man in the mirror".
Masha Yurkevich
Written by
Masha Yurkevich  19/F/Playing the piano...
(19/F/Playing the piano...)   
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