Let me ask you a few dangerous questions. 1. when did wisdom magically become a weapon? 2. Can you turn the other cheek? 3. Can you turn lead into gold? Because I can't.
See some of us reside in an unlivable temple scraping by on ok, hog tied to the flawed words "I'm fine" and find comfort, knowing the only way to truly find contentment is to find a tribe of people willing to be unicorns and butterflies with you.
See we kid ourselves with the belief "they will save me", But we don't live in a house with a glass ceiling so we can see God or a sky that is easily taking apart.
sometimes I wonder, did I wake up today to another state of sleep ain't that easier to swallow than reality, ain't the best fight with yourself. There I go again chewing on doubt as if it were gum. Thinking of my mind as part incredible part trash and mostly dead
See what I meant to say is your mind is not something you can just escape from it is something you survive. So I will continue to wear the sun like the air wears sage in the winter, because after all ain't the best scent in a dream.