Where have all the poets gone. ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where have all the poets gone. ? Have they all been transported to the moon? Even the poets laureate the ones from school Reading all the $5 thrift shop bargains Especially the classic writers of bygone days
Have been so prolific with a pen and ink. And those huge anthologies 3” thick. Very often giving the students a hernia Each time they attended the class of ‘59
And where have all the poets gone ? Little conversations between Lovers. Lovers conversations that seemed to rhyme
Though fashions change and poetic forms lost Having been lost in the forest of social media Each missive awash with errors n paraphrase
Paradoxes have vanished along with the poets Only I so miss the giants of the poet world. Early in the twentieth century poetry was king Those days gone .A poet had Rock Star status So much so. A good poem n you’re Knighted
God knows where all the poets have gone. Oh I guess they are in heaven everyone Now I think all are reincarnated as us on HP Everybody gather ‘round n make ‘em PROUD.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written By Philip. November 8th 2018.